The first
portable shooting machine
portable shooting machine
Featured In
Safe for players ages 8+
Button sensor, not motion collapsed
Smooth Takedown
Poles slide down and lock in minutes
Captures made and missed shots
Focus on reps, not rebounds
5 spots around the key
Improve from all over the floor
12' tall net
For optimal shooting arc
easy transport
110LBS with a cushioned handle
Store anywhere
4’x2’ - most compact shooting machine
game-like passing
Backspin pass to NBA 3-point line
Safe for players ages 8+
Button sensor, not motion collapsed
Smooth Takedown
Poles slide down and lock in minutes
Captures made and missed shots
Focus on reps, not rebounds
5 spots around the key
Improve from all over the floor
12' tall net
For optimal shooting arc
easy transport
110LBS with a cushioned handle
Store anywhere
4’x2’ - most compact shooting machine
game-like passing
Backspin pass to NBA 3-point line
Carry your GRIND Machine like a large suitcase
Safely set up, take down and store within seconds.
1000 reps, per hour anywhere!
The most affordable ever, payment plans also available
You can have the world’s first portable basketball shooting and rebounding machine in your driveway and take your game to the next level.
Looking to provide your members with the ultimate basketball training experience? Add the GRIND machine to your training facility to attract top athletes and trainers.
Does your school have advanced equipment to take you to the next level? Add the GRIND machine rebounder to your gym and allow your athletes to grow into the player of their dreams.
World’s First Portable
Basketball Shooting Machine
Welcome to GRIND Basketball, home of the world's first portable basketball shooting machine. Our innovative technology revolutionizes shooting skills, offering players of all levels an unparalleled opportunity to reach their full potential. Elevate your game with GRIND Basketball and experience the future of basketball training. Trusted by NBA, college and high school trainers around the world.
*$97 per month applies to equipment only. Membership, accessories and shipping not included. Rates are 0% APR based on credit and subject to an eligibility check. For example, a $1,995 purchase might cost $332.50/mo over 6 months at 0% APR. Payment options through Affirm are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and down payment may be required. Membership, Accessories, and Installation not included. Subject to eligibility.
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