SHOOTING EFFICIENCY | GRIND Basketball Shooting Machine


500+ Shots an hour :

Sometimes less is more. It's not about shooting until your arm falls off. We focus on developing great habits for players. 
GRIND has a NO STANDING RULE, the GRIND Machine uses one ball and forces players to work hard and smart, simultaneously. Developing a great shot is not just about shooting more shots. Players must learn how to:
  • Move without the ball
  • Catch and attack
  • Make shots under fatigue
  • Perfect their footwork
Simplifying things forces players to get creative and practice good habits.
When you are limited to one ball you must MOVE without the ball and focus on all aspects that make you a great player.
Always move without the ball  -  Perfect your footwork  -  Improve your shot
Baylor University Commit - LJ Cryer

Develop Great Habits:

The optimal number of shots to take per day for a high school player is 450 - 500 shots. Getting the ball in the rim equals success, but in order to accomplish success you must go through the process.
  • Footwork
  • Balance
  • Explosion
  • Follow through 
All of these points go into developing a great jump shot, not just reps.
The GRIND Machine forces players to work on all of these aspects by having one ball passed every 3-4 seconds.

Increase Creativity & Basketball IQ:

To develop as a great player you must be able to make decisions in the game, on your own. Great players read the defense and react in fractions of a second and this is exactly what our machine is designed to help with.